Frequently Asked Questions
Why do we have component tracking software?
With the component tracking software it will be easier to track components at clients and stocks. This hopefully will decrease the loss of components and will increase the components that can be used for reperations.
What are the main changes in the component tracking software?
- Overview of components in overview of the client
- Overview of components and systems in stock
- Tracking of high value components (with help of barcode)
- Possibility to replace a component with a component in stock (status of ticket will be changed to solved)
- After repossession, systems will be directly decomposed and put in stock agent
- Decomposing and recomposing of systems (for reperations and sales)
How to receive a Cello system?
Cello systems have the following serial number format: TSC22/AK5/SNCB0820006378 > please only use the last 10 numbers to receive the system and the TV screen (which includes the controller)
How to receive components?
If the component has a barcode, the serial number must be inserted, if not, this is not needed
How to receive a Powerhub?
Powerhubs can just be received as other systems (please be aware: currently the components of the powerhub are not registered in the hub > please contact LOG if first powerhubs need to be received)
How to receive assecoiries that need a ‘manual’ component tracking number (like the fans)?
The hub will generate a number, the number will have to be written down like usually.
I need to send a new system via the web hub but it is not showing in the ‘to send’ screen!
If it is not showing please make sure to fill in the real barcodes for the high value components, new systems will not be shown in the ‘to send’ list when they still have dummy barcodes
I need to send a TV system but it is not working!
Please make sure to replace the dummy barcodes for the real barcodes
I need to send a component but it is not working!
Please make sure to replace the dummy barcodes for the real barcodes. If the component is within a system, the system should be decomposed first.
I cannot replace a component!
Please makre sure the correct component to replace a component is in the stock. This component should have the status ‘new’ or ‘recyled’ if it has another status (like repossessed) it cannot be used for a replacement..
All components to be replaced are red in the app
This means there is no suitable component in the stock to which the reperation ticket is asigned to
What happens with paid reperation tickets?
The procedure with the paid tickets remains the same as before
Does the account number change after the controler has been replaced?
Yes! the account number changes.
I cannot retrieve all components during repossession what should I do?
After the repossession, the agent should contact SR to inform not all components could be retrieved, the SR should contact a Log responsable who will send the component to ZZZ
I want to use a repossessed component for a reperation.
It is not possible to use a component with status repossessed for a reperation, the status should be new or recycled. The repossessed component should be checked by someone from the technical team or the logistics team, who can also change the status.
Who can decompose/recompose a system?
Systems can be decomposed/recomposed by the logistical team
What to do if the hub shows more/less stock than in reality?
An agent should contact his/her SR should contact the logistics team
Where is the status ‘incomplete’?
The status incomplete doesn’t exist anymore, if a system was ‘incomplete’ before migration, it has become a recycled battery.
What does the status ‘waste’ mean?
The waste status is for components that cannot be repaired anymore
I want to change the status of a system to waste but this is not working!
Only a KO component can become waste.
I need a component to change from status, what to do?
The logistics team and te technical team can change the status of components
Which components have serial numbers in the hub?
High value products like the TV screen, controller, Batterie GM
Do assecoiries have components?
Yes the fan has components
Is the adapter component included in the fan?
Yes the adapter will be included for the Nigerian hub
I want to do an upgrade of a system what should I do?
There is no (new) support with the current version of the component tracking software
I want to sell a loose component what should I do?
- There is no (new) support with the current version of the component tracking software. So the component cannot be sold. But it can be used for a replacement (reperation)
The log dashboard doesn’t show the components what should I do?
The update of the log dashboard is scheduled for end of march, so until then the hub should be used for extractions.